
在肝病学项目, 我们的目标是诊断, prevent and treat liver disease as early as possible. The most common liver diseases we treat are due to fatty liver, alcohol related liver injury and Hepatitis C. We also manage less common liver conditions, 比如自身免疫性肝炎, 原发性胆管炎, 原发性硬化性胆管炎, and hemochromatosis among many others.


The liver is the largest organ in your body, located behind your ribs on the upper right side of the abdomen. The liver filters your blood of toxins we ingest every day in our diet and creates bile to help your body digest food. The liver makes several proteins including clotting agents that help stop bleeding after an injury or cut. It also stores certain nutrients absorbed by the intestines.

What does it mean to have liver damage?

Liver diseases of all types can cause irritation or inflammation of the liver. Over time this type of injury causes scarring in the liver. We measure the degree of liver scarring in a variety of ways including blood tests, 成像测试, 肝活检和 FibroScan. Our goal is to diagnose and treat the liver condition to prevent or even reverse the scarring.


The 肝肿瘤门诊 is the only clinic of its kind in Northern New England. Our goal is to diagnose and develop a treatment plan for those with primary liver lesions in one trip.

The clinic's interdisciplinary approach helps to ensure that difficult diagnoses and treatment options are shared with you appropriately. The clinic includes specialists in:

  • 肝脏病学
  • Hepatobiliary and transplant surgery
  • 介入放射学
  • 医学和放射肿瘤学
  • 营养和姑息治疗

Our team focuses on helping those with liver tumors, 终末期肝病, 复发性肝癌. We offer the most effective treatment options, symptom management, and supportive care. If you suffer from hepatocellular carcinoma, we offer evaluation for liver transplantation.

The 肝肿瘤门诊 also sees people with benign liver lesions or tumors such as hepatic adenoma and focal nodular hyperplasia to help decide the best way to follow these lesions. 



纤维扫描是一个安全的, 简单的, non-invasive alternative to a liver biopsy, which allows our team to find out the amount of liver fibrosis, 或者肝脏的疤痕. It can be used with many liver diseases, 包括丙型肝炎和乙型肝炎, autoimmune liver diseases and fatty liver disease. It can also be used to follow liver fibrosis long term. 正常执行纤维扫描, we will ask that you not eat or drink (except water) for 3 hours prior to your appointment.

联络我们的办事处 以了解更多关于FibroScan的信息.

Liver transplant and end stage liver disease

We provide state-of-the-art care for patients with 终末期肝病. Although there is an organ shortage for those in need of a liver transplant, our team's goal is to provide patients and their families the best chance to get on a liver transplant list at one of our partner transplantation programs. Our expert team will work with you to stay healthy while waiting for a liver transplant, and take care of you after the transplant.

联络我们的办事处 to learn more about the 终末期肝病 referral process, and about becoming a candidate to receive a liver transplant.


The liver team will work with your doctor to help diagnose and treat Hepatitis C. We will ask your doctor to do 简单的 blood tests, and send us results, prior to your visit. 在你来访时, we will have an ultrasound done to look at your liver, and you will be checked for liver scarring without a biopsy using our Fibroscan technology. 在访问结束时, you will know how much liver disease you have, and we will provide you a complete plan for treatment of your liver disease.




  • Catherine Giguere-Rich, RDN, LD
  • 凯瑟琳·克罗斯,RD


visit our 预约和推荐 page for information about making an appointment.